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- * Convert CDId's Files to New CdId MegaCdPlayer format
- * Remove's CdId's with Bad Total Cd Toc & 3rd Track Toc Ie To Large Value's
- Machine MC68020
- include /include/Wb_startup.i
- start jsr openlibrarys
- bsr windopen
- * Open Title File (default header)
- lea DefSaveIndex,a0
- lea MegaSaveTitle,a1 filename
- move.l #8,a2 size (8 bytes)
- jsr savefile
- * Open Index File (default header)
- lea DefSaveIndex,a0
- lea MegaSaveIndex,a1 filename
- move.l #16,a2 size (16 bytes)
- jsr savefile
- clr.l NumberOfCds
- clr.l removedcds
- clr.l Skip01Count
- lea BadCdIdRemoved,a0
- move #10,d0 x
- move #30,d1 y
- bsr Print Print No. of Bad Cdid removed
- lea Skip01Text,a0
- move #10,d0 x
- move #40,d1 y
- bsr Print Print No. of Bad Cdid removed
- * Get CdId directory using FileRequester
- lea CdIdReqTagList,a0
- jsr RequestersTagList Get Disk/Directory Using Req.
- beq Messageloop Exit if Cancel selecte
- lea SaveDirBuffer,a0 Save Dir buffer Pt
- move.l #511,d0 Max size of buffer
- jsr SaveDirRequester Save CdId Root Dir.
- clr SubDirNo
- NextDirectory bsr ReadDirectory
- beq Finished If D0=0 Then Dir. not found, Finished
- .loop bsr ReadNext
- beq Finished If D0=0 Then No more Files, Finished
- tst.l d1
- bpl.s .loop If D1=Plus Then is a Directory Skip
- move.l a0,a4 Save FileName Pt into A4
- ** move.l a4,a0
- jsr UseReqDirAddFile Use Requester Directory & Add FileName
- beq Messageloop
- * Load CdId Text file Cd Title, Author, Track Names
- move.l #0,a0 Set A0=0 Memory Allocated for file
- move.l d1,a1 File Name
- jsr loadfile
- move.l loadalcpt,temploadalcpt save load Pt
- move.l a0,a5 save start pt
- move.l d0,d7 save size
- * Make Cd Title & Aurthor Into one by taking out end Lf marker
- .lfloop cmp.b #10,(a0)+
- bne.s .lfloop
- move.b #" ",-1(a0) Replace with a Space
- move.l a4,a0
- bsr ReadFileNameId Read NoTracks,3rd Track Toc,Total Toc
- beq.s .isCdIdfile
- add.l #1,removedcds
- move.l removedcds,d0
- bsr HexDecConvert
- move #29*8+10,d0 x
- move #30,d1 y
- bsr Print Print Number of Cd's Removed
- bra .notCdIdfile
- .isCdIdfile move.l a4,a0
- move #10,d0
- move #20,d1
- bsr Print Print File Name
- * CdId files with "0" or "1" inbetween lines remove the "1"'s
- moveq #0,d2 "1" count
- moveq #-1,d3 line count (-1 dont count title)
- move.l a5,a0
- moveq #0,d1
- .RemoveLoop addq.l #1,d1
- cmp.l d7,d1 If EndOfFile
- bhi.s .endfile
- cmp.b #10,(a0)+
- bne.s .RemoveLoop
- .LFfound addq.l #1,d3 inc line count
- cmp.l d7,d1 If lastchar of file
- beq.s .RemoveLoop then goto Removeloop to end
- cmp.b #"0",(a0) else Check if "0" char
- beq.s .is0
- cmp.b #"1",(a0) or "1" char
- bne.s .RemoveLoop
- .is0 cmp.b #10,1(a0) and a LF char
- bne.s .RemoveLoop
- addq.l #1,d2 If is Then inc "0" "1" count
- bra.s .RemoveLoop
- .endfile moveq #0,d6 Clear Skip "1" Flag
- cmp d4,d2 if "1" count < number of tracks
- blo.s .NoSkip then Noskip
- lsr.l #1,d3 linecount /2
- cmp d2,d3 if linecount < "1" count
- blo.s .NoSkip
- moveq #1,d6 Set Skip "1" Flag
- add.l #1,Skip01Count
- move.l Skip01Count,d0
- bsr HexDecConvert
- move #29*8+10,d0 x
- move #40,d1 y
- bsr Print Print Number of
- .NoSkip
- * count number of Track lines (dont use any Extra lines)
- * and replace blank lines with a "*"
- lea OutPutBuffer,a4
- moveq #0,d1 chars count
- moveq #0,d2 added chars count
- move.l a5,a0
- .countloop addq.l #1,d1
- cmp.l d7,d1 If EndOfFile
- bhi.s .notCdIdfile then Error Dont used It (to few tracks)
- move.b (a0),(a4)+ move to output buffer
- cmp.b #10,(a0)+
- bne.s .countloop
- * Skip "0" or "1" lines if Flag set
- tst d6 if Skip "1" Flag = 0
- beq.s .noskipcheck then Dont Skip check
- cmp.b #"0",(a0)
- beq.s .yes0
- cmp.b #"1",(a0) else Skip check
- bne.s .noskipcheck
- .yes0 cmp.b #10,1(a0)
- bne.s .noskipcheck
- add.l #2,a0 skip "1" & Lf Char's
- .noskipcheck cmp.b #10,-2(a4) If BlankLine (IeĀ 2 LF's)
- bne.s .notblankline
- move.b #"*",-1(a4) put "*" in place of LF (BlankLine)
- move.b #10,(a4)+ then a LF
- addq.l #1,d2 inc added chars count
- .notblankline dbf d4,.countloop
- move.b #10,(a4)+ Put a LF at End
- addq.l #1,d2
- add.l d2,d1 add added chars count
- move.l d1,d7 set new File size
- * Add to Index file end
- move.l #16,a2 size
- lea MegaSaveIndex,a1 fileName
- lea SaveIndexCdInfo,a0 mem pt
- jsr savetoend - Save file to end
- add.l #1,NumberOfCds
- * Add to Title file End
- move.l d7,a2 size
- lea MegaSaveTitle,a1 fileName
- lea OutPutBuffer,a0
- jsr savetoend - Save file to end
- .notCdIdfile move.l temploadalcpt,loadalcpt reload load pt
- jsr loadfreememory free allocated memory used by file
- bra .loop
- * load Index file so can update "Number of Cd's"
- Finished lea SaveDirBuffer,a0 Save Dir buffer Pt
- jsr SetDirRequester Set Directory to Root (as Saved)
- add #1,SubDirNo Inc Dir No.
- move SubDirNo,d0
- cmp #99,d0 If SubDirNo > 99
- bhi.s .AllDoneNow Then All Directorys Done
- lea CdIdSubDir,a0
- Divul.l #10,d1:d0 Else Convert SubDirNo to Ascii
- addi.b #$30,d0
- move.b d0,(a0)
- addi.b #$30,d1
- move.b d1,1(a0)
- jsr UseReqDirAddFile Combine Sub Dir to Root Dir
- move.l d1,a0
- jsr SetDirRequester Set to New Dir
- bra NextDirectory Now do that directory
- .AllDoneNow lea MegaSaveIndex,a1 fileName
- move.l #0,a0 Set A0=0 Memory Allocated for file
- jsr loadfile
- move.l loadalcpt,temploadalcpt save load Pt
- move.l NumberOfCds,8(a0)
- lea MegaSaveIndex,a1 filename
- move.l d0,a2 size
- jsr savefile Save Index file back
- move.l temploadalcpt,loadalcpt reload load pt
- jsr loadfreememory free allocated memory used by file
- lea Completedtext,a0
- move #10,d0
- move #100,d1
- bsr Print Print all compleated
- Messageloop Bsr WaitforMessage
- btst.l #9,d3 if CloseWindow
- beq.s Messageloop
- exit bsr windclose
- jsr closelibrarys
- rts
- Lftext dc.b 10,0
- even
- CdIdReqTagList dc.l ASL_Hail,CdIdReqHailpt
- dc.l ASL_Width,500
- dc.l ASL_Height,180
- dc.l ASL_Dir,CdIdReqDirpt
- dc.l ASL_ExtFlags1,%1 (no files shown)
- dc.l 0
- CdIdReqDirpt dc.b "Work:CdIds",0
- CdIdReqHailpt dc.b "Select CdId's Directory",0
- even
- * Cd Index File Format (16 Bytes)
- DefSaveIndex dc.b "CD@0" Header
- dc.b "V15",10 Version Number
- NumberOfCds dc.l 0 Number of Cd's on list
- dc.l 0 Total Number of Cds played (new for V1.5)
- * New MegaCdPlayer Format saved with CdId's converted files
- * New CdId's Format MegaCdPlayer Format
- SaveIndexCdInfo dc.l 0 3rd Track Toc CdToc Last Track
- dc.w 0 Number of Tracks Number of Tracks
- dc.l 0 Total Cd Toc Not Used
- dc.l 0 Played Count Played Count
- dc.w "ID" "ID" Zero
- Skip01Count dc.l 0 Number of "0" or "1" in between tracknames skipped
- removedcds dc.l 0 Number of CdId Removed
- BadCdIdRemoved dc.b "Number of Bad CdId Removed =",0
- Skip01Text dc.b "Number of '0' '1' Skipped =",0
- even
- * Read Directory File Names Call With D1 - Pt to Directory to Read
- ReadDirectory move.l dosbase,A6
- *** move.l #name,d1
- move.l #-2,d2
- movea.l dosbase,A6
- jsr Lock(a6)
- move.l d0,locksav
- beq.s .exit If D0=0 then Directory Not Found
- move.l dosbase,A6
- move.l locksav,d1
- move.l #fileinfo,d2 Pt to File Info Block (see P.152)
- jsr Examine(a6) get file info
- tst.l d0
- .exit rts If D0=0 Then Error!
- ReadNext move.l dosbase,A6
- move.l locksav,d1
- move.l #fileinfo,d2
- jsr ExNext(a6)
- tst.l d0
- beq.s .exit
- move.l #fileinfo+8,a0 A0 Pt to File Name
- move.l fileinfo+4,d1 If D1 is Plus =Directory
- .exit rts If D0 =0 Then No More files
- MegaSaveTitle dc.b "Ram:Title",0
- even
- MegaSaveIndex dc.b "Ram:Index",0
- even
- SubDirNo dc.w 0
- CdIdSubDir dc.b "01",0
- even
- SaveDirBuffer ds.b 512
- OutPutBuffer ds.b 100*99+100 Space for 99 track name + title
- even
- locksav dc.l 0
- temploadalcpt dc.l 0
- * Read File Name CdId "ID99ABCDEF123456
- * Number Tracks -> ||
- * 3rd Track -> |----||----| <- Total Cd Toc's
- ReadFileNameId lea SaveIndexCdInfo,a2
- cmp #"ID",(a0) Test If CdId File
- beq.s .isCdIdfile
- .notCdIdfile moveq #1,d0
- rts
- .isCdIdfile moveq #0,d4
- move.b 2(a0),d4 Number of tracks (x10)
- sub.b #"0",d4
- mulu #10,d4
- move.b 3(a0),d0
- sub.b #"0",d0
- add.b d0,d4 Add unites
- move d4,4(a2)
- lea 4(a0),a1
- bsr.s .ConvertAsciiToHex
- move.l d2,(a2) 3rd Track Toc
- cmp.l #80*60*75,d2 Max = 80 mins x 60 x 75
- bhi.s .notCdIdfile If >Max Then Dont use
- lea 10(a0),a1
- bsr.s .ConvertAsciiToHex
- move.l d2,6(a2) Total Cd Toc
- cmp.l #80*60*75,d2 Max = 80 mins x 60 x 75
- bhi.s .notCdIdfile If >Max Then Dont use
- cmp.l (a2),d2 If Total Cd Toc < 3rd Track Toc
- blo.s .notCdIdfile Then Dont use
- *testing
- * cmp.l #$025c65,d2
- * bne.s .nnn
- * illegal
- *.nnn
- moveq #0,d0
- rts
- .ConvertAsciiToHex
- moveq #0,d2
- moveq #6-1,d1
- .loop move.b (a1)+,d0 read next character
- sub.b #"A",d0
- bhs.s .ischar
- add.b #7,d0
- .ischar add.b #10,d0 correct value
- lsl.l #4,d2 shift left digit
- or.b d0,d2 add digit
- dbf d1,.loop
- rts
- Completedtext dc.b "Completed Convertion! Click Close Window to exit",0
- even
- * * * Wait for Message * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- WaitforMessage movem.l A0-A1/A6,-(SP)
- move.l WindowHandle,a0
- move.l 86(a0),a0 get user port pt
- movea.l 4,A6
- jsr WaitPort(a6) Wait for Message
- move.l WindowHandle,a0
- move.l 86(a0),a0 get user port pt
- jsr GetMsg(a6) Get Message
- move.l d0,a1
- move.l 20(a1),d3 message type d3= IDCMP see AML p.175
- move 24(a1),d4 Code specifier (char code etc)
- move.l 28(a1),Iaddress
- jsr ReplyMsg(A6) Reply Messsage
- movem.l (SP)+,A0-A1/A6
- rts
- Iaddress dc.l 0 Gadget Address
- * Hex to Decimal Ascii (uses 680020 Divul.l instruction)
- * D0 - Hex number
- HexDecConvert lea dcharbuf,a0
- HexDecConvert2 moveq #10-1,d2 10 digit number
- .loop Divul.l #10,d1:d0 (680020 Instruction)
- addi.b #$30,d1
- move.b d1,(a0,d2)
- dbf d2,.loop
- * do some left digit zero blanking
- moveq #10-1,d1 (dont blank last digit zero)
- .zloop cmp.b #$30,(a0)+
- bne.s .fin skip over if zero
- dbf d1,.zloop
- .fin subq.l #1,a0 correct a0
- rts
- dcharbuf ds.b 12
- even
- * Print Text
- * A0 - Pt to text to print
- * D0 - X pos
- * D1 - Y pos
- print MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP)
- move.l a0,printpt
- lea ptextcolour,a1
- move.l intuitionbase,a6
- move.l WindowHandle,a0
- move.l 50(a0),a0
- jsr PrintIText(a6)
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6
- rts
- ptextcolour dc.b 4,0 text,Background colour
- dc.b 1 output mode
- even
- dc.w 0,0 x,y pos
- printfont dc.l 0 font
- printpt dc.l 0 text pt
- dc.l 0 no more text
- windopen move.l Intuitionbase,a6
- lea windowdef,a0
- jsr openwindow(a6)
- move.l d0,WindowHandle
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l $2e(a0),screenhandle Get Window's Screen Handle
- rts from Window Structure
- windclose move.l Intuitionbase,a6
- move.l WindowHandle,d0
- beq.s .exit
- move.l WindowHandle,a0
- jsr closewindow(a6)
- .exit rts
- ClearWindow MOVEM.L A6,-(SP)
- moveq #0,d0 X pos
- moveq #0,d1 Y pos
- lea _ClrWindowImage,a1
- move.l intuitionbase,a6
- move.l WindowHandle,a0
- move.l 50(a0),a0 Rp
- jsr EraseImage(a6) Erase Old Gadget Image
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,A6
- rts
- _ClrWindowImage dc.w 4,11 x,y position
- dc.w 600-4-18,250-11-2 width & height
- dc.w 2
- dc.l 0 (Image data not used)
- dc.b 0,0
- dc.l 0
- windowdef dc.w 10,20 x,y
- dc.w 600,250 width & height
- dc.b 0,1 print and background colours
- dc.l $200 IDCMP
- dc.l $100f
- dc.l 0 Gadget pt
- dc.l 0
- dc.l windname
- dc.l 0 screenhd (Set to 0 for Workbench or public)
- dc.l 0
- dc.w 200,40,600,200
- dc.w $1 (1=Workbench Screen 2=Public Screen)
- windname dc.b "Convert CdIds to MegaCdPlayer files format",0
- even
- WindowHandle dc.l 0
- screenhandle dc.l 0
- openwindow equ -204
- closewindow equ -72
- execbase equ 4
- GetMsg equ -372
- ReplyMsg equ -378
- WaitPort equ -384
- DisplayBeep equ -96
- PrintIText equ -216
- EraseImage equ -630
- CurrentDir equ -126
- SetCurrentDirName equ -558
- ExNext equ -108
- include /include/Open_Close_All_Librarys
- include /include/LoadFile2